Which is the best driving school in kolkata?
Where can I learn four-wheeler driving in Kolkata? What is the best car driving school in South Kolkata?
TRAINED 850+ WOMEN across West Bengal. Join our 15 days Premium Two Wheeler Training Course
তাহলে দেরি না করে চলে আসুন Kamala Motor Two Wheeler Driving School এ l
আমাদের Driving School এ ভর্তি হতে গেলে সাইকেলের ব্যালেন্স থাকাটা জরুরি নয় l
Kamala Motor Two Wheeler Driving School কলকাতার বুকে একমাত্র বিশ্বস্ত প্রতিষ্ঠান যারা ৫+ বছর ধরে সাফল্যের সাথে Two Wheeler শিখিয়ে চলেছে l
গত ৫ বছরে ৮০০+ প্রশিক্ষনার্থীকে আমরা Scooty and Bike চালানো শিখিয়েছি l
Where can I learn four-wheeler driving in Kolkata? What is the best car driving school in South Kolkata?
This is a Complete Beginners Guide in JUST 5 Steps: How to Drive a Scooty properly. To Ride a Scooty you need to know the scooty controls first. Wha…
We give bike and Scooty Training to Both Males and Females. Kolkata's #No-1 driving school. We have trained over 850 + students in the last 5+ years. Bike & Scooty শিখতে আজই যোগাযোগঃ করুন. Call Us at +91 8910737805 & Join our (15-day) Training Course. Location: Near Netaji Metro Station (Kudghat). Our Courses: 1) Bike Training Class 2) Scooty Training Class 3) Electric Scooty Training 4) Bullet Riding Classes. Our Speciality is 1 on 1 individual Training from day-1. Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Instagram page Kamala Motors.